Campagna ‘Dammi una mano’

Pleiadi è Società Benefit da dicembre 2022. E con l'aiuto dei nostri clienti, prospect e fornitori possiamo fare qualcosa di più grande, più utile, migliore.Insieme possiamo realizzare quel (anche micro) progetto ESG che è nella to do list da anni. Insieme possiamo comunicarlo meglio, coinvolgendo tutti. Insieme possiamo divenire esempio contagioso, estendendo piccoli progetti ESG che porteranno piccoli, e progressivi, benefici alla comunità.Insieme possiamo dare un ulteriore valore ai brand dei partner coinvolti.

‘Dammi una mano’ è la campagna di partnership con cui Pleiadi International, insieme a collaboratori di altissimo profilo, desidera sensibilizzare clienti, prospect e fornitori ai temi ESG: perseguire una o più finalità di beneficio comune e operare in modo responsabile, sostenibile e trasparente.
Fare, comunicare, promuovere altre azioni.

Pleiadi is a Benefit Company from December 2022.
The decision to incorporate into the company bylaws the commitment to operate in accordance with principles of respect for people, the environment, and corporate management represents the formalization of the values upheld by Pleiadi throughout its 30-year history.

This passage brings us back daily to the study and development of projects in the ESG - Environmental, Social, Governance - field, passing through creativity and digital innovation. It represents an ongoing challenge that we cannot fail to address: today, we must all be participants in these changes.

The economy of good deeds
There is an economy of usefulness and respect. We have chosen to be part of it by becoming a Benefit Company. 
And with your help, this economy grows and the context around us improves.
Join us in embracing this new way of thinking, designing, acting, and evolving: together, we will be stronger and better.

Let's choose together an ESG project to be implemented in 2024.
Pleiadi International will handle the creative and communication aspects of the project, while the partner will support production costs and media buying.
Together, we will promote the action, benefiting from results, distinctiveness, and positioning. Are you in?

Become a partner in our “Dammi una mano” campaign!

“Dammi una mano” is the partnership campaign with which Pleiadi International, together with high-profile collaborators, aims to raise awareness among clients, prospects, and suppliers on ESG topics: pursuing one or more purposes of common benefit and operating responsibly, sustainably, and transparently.
This involves taking action, communicating, and promoting other actions.


Together with the partner, and with the support of the SB Impact Manager, we identify the leading project for 2024 - for example, actions for gender equality, training, resources, environment, etc. It must be realistic and feasible: that's why we don't aim for macro strategies: small steps change the world.

Together with our collaborators, we develop the communication project to support it. Once approved by all parties, it will be the hinge of expression in the best-suited methods identified.
The partner will support only the direct production costs and media buying, while Pleiadi will coordinate management and final reporting.


  • . In the meantime, we are committed to improving our context :)
  • . Therefore, we still make 'a good project'
  • . Reflexively, we discuss it and encourage discussion.
  • . Hoping to become contagious.